Professor: Phoebe Giannisi
University of Thessaly
Department of Architecture
The course is an introduction to the Space of the Word, both written and oral. Some of the subjects to be discussed are: the Space of texts and the space of reading, the space of metaphors and metonymy, the space of memory and the self, the space of habitation and landscape, the space and identity of a person, as it is read and created in script. Furthermore, the issue of the constructing ability of the script and the relation of the poetics of the word to that of space are discussed.
Course layout: Lectures, where texts concerning the description and production of space through the word, are read and commented on. Presentation of theoretic texts on poetics and their analysis using specific examples in literature. Discussions, in the form of a seminar, of texts selected by the students. The students must turn in a project done individually, which includes the written project of the whole year and a video of the student presenting this project inside a public space of the city. Exercise in written expression as a research tool for imprinting, registering, analyzing, designing, and creating space through language.