Production of a video work recording readings of Homeric passages with typical supplication scenes. A performance sailing tour at the monasteries of Agioi Saranta on the island of Alatas and Zoodochos Pigi on the island Prasouda in Pagasitikos Gulf.
The supplication scenes are excerpts from the Odyssey with Ulysses asking hospitality from strangers such as Nausicaa and power structures such as the queen Arete and king Alkinoos, and the river that flows into the beach where he washes up half-drowned at the island of Pheacia. The project considers the seaside monasteries as structures providing shelter and hospitality the shipwrecked, fugitives and hunted. On the island Prasouda one can see the engraved inscription by a shipwrecked on a wooden post.
Camera: Electra Mpada
Sound Recording and Sound Design: Nikos Vamvakas, University of Thessaly.
Montage: Yannis Kyriazis
Texts: Homer, Odyssey, 5. 445-450; 6. 149-156, 175-178, 180-187, 324-327; 7. 146-154.
Workshop Territual Paou, curated by Alexandros Psychoulis.