PATRIS II, 2015. In collaboration with Zissis Kotionis.
Group exhibition. In the name of Le Corbusier, Spiteris House, bathroom. 6/10-8/11/2015
Curated by Fanis Kafantaris, Panayiotis Tournikiotis.
Site specific installation. Lifebelt, video projection: 8.18', black and white, sound.
Image from the film: Tagebuch-Diary-Journal. Architects Congress, Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, 1933.
Video Sound: from the novel République-Bastille, by Melpo Axioti. Greek translation: Titika Dimitroulia. Mixed with fragments from Contrabando, a long poem by Melpo Axiot.i
Voice: Phoebe Giannisi, Isavella Martzopoulou.
Recording: Nikos Vamvakas
Video and Sound Montage: Ifigeneia Charatsi, University of Thessaly.
On Saturday 29th of July 1933, in Marseilles, Le Corbusier, 46 years old, together with approximately 100 other architects, participants of the fourth CIAM conference, embarked aboard the boat Patris II going to Piraeus. The trip lasted five days and nights. In the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Bruno Guardia describes the project as "an original crusade." "The entire population of this holiday is a navigable Tower of Babel, full of friendliness, cheerfulness, charm".
On Saturday 22th of March 1947, Melpo Axioti, communist writer, 42 years old, haunted by the difficulties of the greek civil war, leaves Athens for France, starting thus a life of wandering exile. Her trip is carried aboard of a Peireus-Marseille line cruiser, loaded with passengers from all social classes, fugitives, Jews and Greek bourgeois, and will last 4 days and 4 nights.