AIΓΙΣ ΙΙ. Performance at ΜετΑΤηΛΗθη - The Symptom Project
Curated by Apostolis Artinos
Panourgias Museum, Amfissa,14/10/2017
Aigis: Goat leather and shield made by goatskin.
The performance is a public presentation of a real-time 2-hour poetry writing workshop on a specially processed goat hide (from Alexis Kappa's tanner in Volos, Greece). The impossible utterance is conceived as the infinite work of writing processed upon the dead animal's body. The writing motif guides are based both on the goatskin lines, which form a map on their own, and Yannis Mourtos' (the breeder) voice, as he speaks about his life and work. The voice which is heard from the speakers and is sourced from an interview of Y.M. to P.G. on March 2015 in Kalamaki, Larissa, Greece.