Poetic Installation "The Fortress" curated by Theodoros Zafeiropoulos inside the building fortified complex of Troupakis-Mourtzinis in old Kardamyli. 

The project Thetis and Aedon I comprises an installation of an artist book and a poetic video/ soundscape as of the realization of a reading performance the night of the opening.

Thetis and Aedon are a next step inside the research for the animal faces of the poet originating from Ancient Greek Poetry, with the Cuttlefish/Sepia as Thetis and the Nightingale as Aedon. 

Thetis and Aedon deal with Pregnancy, Maternity, Raising of the Child and the mother-child relationship as crucial bodily and ethical realms of reality. The book which is read or abandoned to silence and its closed world is a metaphor for the Fortress, as well as the female producing body.